Helping to ease the
administrative burden
for professional executors
High profile and high volume actions such as PPI and discretionary payments on car finance can cause a massive resource issue for professional executors.
Managing bulk complaints on behalf of beneficiaries can create significant administration issues and a substantial increase in workload, particularly with multiple estates, or multiple complaints with different providers.
Furthermore, mishandled complaints can lead to beneficiary action, regulatory censure, financial penalties and reputational damage.
Managed Finance Solutions Ltd understands the challenges and risks of the constantly changing regulatory landscape, and has developed a unique approach to take the burden off professionals while they focus on servicing their customers.
Identifying all beneficiaries with valid complaints is an arduous task in itself but complaints also need to be submitted to providers and the responses will need to be managed.
If you are a professional executor who would like help with understanding and resolving the challenges which bulk complaint processing can present and making sure you meet you fiduciary duties then Managed Finance Solutions Ltd can help.
We can offer a tailored approach to managing complaints, either deploying an end-to-end solution or by negotiating bulk settlements
on your behalf.
Our experienced team can supplement in-house functions
to ease ‘pinch points’
or implement
automated solutions.
We can advise on the Financial Service Authority and Financial Ombudsman Service’s approach and expectations, giving firms greater time to prepare.
Our approach can
reduce the risk of beneficiary
or creditor challenges
to the amounts
We’re ready to handle your bulk complaints more efficiently, quickly and professionally with all the right people, tools and systems in place to make the best possible use of your budget.
Use the form below to set up an informal introductory conversation on how we can help support your business.